
Forest management planning has improved in Georgia

One of the essential issues that the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Otar Shamugia, focused on in his speech is the forest inventory, which started in the country in 2014 and...

The new Forest Code will establish the best forest management practices based on international principles

"In recent years, the country has taken important steps in the forestry sector, and today there is already a relevant legal framework - the new Forest Code", - this statement was made by the Minister ...

Otar Shamugia: "Approximation process of legislative acts with EU acquis is ongoing in accordance with the Plan”

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Mr. Otar Shamugia addressed the Parliament within the format of "Minister’s Hour", summarizing present results in the field o...

Georgia continues to gain international recognitions and achievement

In 2021, for the first time in the history of Georgia, 4 protected areas: Kolkheti and Mtirala National Parks, Kobuleti and Kintrishi Protected Areas, as unique Colchic Forests and Wetlands, were insc...

In 2021, about 40 ecotourist projects were implemented on protected areas of Georgia

With the support of the Government of Georgia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture is actively pursuing the development of ecotourism at protected areas of Georgia. In 2012-2021, ...

Protected Areas of Georgia cover 11.5% of the entire country

One of the priority directions of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture is the establishment, expansion and development of protected areas in accordance with the international best ...

The Groundwater and Surface Water Quality Monitoring Network is Expanding Every Year throughout Georgia

"We have started restoring the water quality and quantity monitoring network. The monitoring network is expanding every year, but the existing monitoring is not enough to fully assess the condition of...