Adapted for people with disabilities

Head of Department

Nino Tkhilava

Head of Primary Structural Unit of the Environment and Climate Change Department

Date of Birth




1979 – 1984
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 
Faculty of Geography-Geology 
Diploma equivalent to Master’s Degree in Hydrology of Land

Work Experience

03. 2018 – Present
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia
Head of Primary Structural Unit of the Environment and Climate Change Department

12.2017 – 03. 2018 
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia 
Head of Department of Environmental Policy and International Relations

2009 – 2017
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia
Head of Department of Environmental Policy and International Relations

2006 – 2009
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia 
Head of Department of Integrated Environmental Management

2005 – 2006
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia
Head of Ambient Air Service

2004 – 2005
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia
Head of Emission Inventory and Accounting Unit, Ambient Air Division

2003 – 2004
UN Environment Programme (UN Environment) (Paris, France)
Consultant of CEITs for GEF funded projects, Energy and Ozone Action Branch, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE)

2002 – 2003
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia
Head of Emission Control and Management Division

1999 – 2002
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia 
Senior Specialist of Ambient Air Main Division

1992 – 1999
Nature Protection Society
Head of Environmental Information Division

Nature Protection Society 
Executive Secretary

1988 – 1992
Nature Protection Society

1985 – 1988
Nature Protection Society 

International Experience

2020 – Present
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 
National Focal Point

2015 – 2016
United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)

2012 – Present
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Committee on Environmental Policy
Bureau Member

2008 – 2012
Black Sea Commission under the Bucharest Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution

Black Sea Commission 

2007 – 2015
Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM)
National Focal Point

2007 – 2009
SAICM Quick Start Programme
Executive Board Member

2006 – Present
GEF (Global Environment Facility) 
Operational Focal Point in Georgia

2006 – Present
Transport, Health and Environment Pan European Programme (THE PEP)
National Focal Point and Bureau Member

2001 – Present
Aarhus Convention Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR)
Focal Point, Member of the Drafting Group 

2000 – 2009
UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
Focal Point

2001 – 2002
European Commission project - AEA Technology plc “Environmental Approximation in the Western NIS- Technical Assistance with Development of an Air Quality Management Plan and Health Effects Study for Tbilisi.” (Phase II)

2000 – 2005
UN Environment Project "Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of Environment of Georgia for Implementation of the Montreal Protocol"
Deputy Head of the National ODS Officer


Georgian (native)