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Representaves of Georgian Government met with the residents of Lagodekhi Municipality

The representatives of the central and local authorities held meetings with the residents of the villages Leliani, Apeni and Chabukiani in Lagodekhi municipality and got acquainted with their needs.

At the meeting, the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Solomon Pavliashvili provided detailed account of rural and agricultural development programs / projects implemented by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture. The Deputy Minister underlined the results achieved under the projects and discussed ways to solve existing problems together with the local residents.

 “ We provided population with the comprehensive information about programs implemented by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture. Our goal is to attract more beneficiaries and farmers, engage them in the agricultural development programs to get a benefit out of these programs. Significant activities were carried out to arrange irrigation system in Lagodekhi Municipality. The municipality has a great potential for the development of essential oil crops, greenhouses and cold storage facilities. We continue meetings with the local residents, that will eventually lead to a positive outcome, ”Solomon Pavliashvili said.

The Deputy Minister highlighted benefits of joining agricultural cooperatives and introduced farmers with the capacity development of warehousing, cold storage facilities and food processing farms.

The majoritarian MP of Lagodekhi and Kvareli municipalities, Guram Macharashvili has been focused on the planned and current rural support projects in Lagodekhi Municipality, whereby he underlined the effectiveness of aforementioned projects.

The residents of Leliani, Apeni and Chabukiani named unregistered land, drinking water supply and irrigation system related problems as basic needs and most important issues facing villages. They expressed interest in grape delivery and forecast of grape prices as well. The Deputy Minister stated, that farmers will not face problems in delivering grape. He also noted, that, when the budget is set up for the next year, the needs and problems of the residents will be taken into account.