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Levan Davitashvili hosted the Executive Director of Land O'Lakes Venture37, John Ellenberger

The two sides discussed issues related to the current progress of the project ‘’ Georgia Safety and Quality Investment in Livestock (SQIL)”.

The Minister stated, that  food safety and quality standards should be improved in the cattle milk and meat production in Georgia.

The sides made a positive assessment of the ongoing project, which is mainly focused on enhancing the knowledge and experience of producers and processors.

According to John Ellenberger, Land O'Lakes Venture37 will share experience with Georgian side and provide technical assistance to farmers through introduction of approaches that meets the market demand.

"We believe, that through joint effort we will be able to achieve significant success in improving the food safety and quality standards in the bovine milk as well as in the whole value chain for meat and meat products" said John Ellenberger.

The Deputy Minister, Khatia Tsilosani and the heads of the National Food Agency attended the meeting at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.

A five-year project funded by the US Department of Agriculture in Georgia has been implemented by the American company Land O'Lakes Venture37 with the Georgian Farmers' Association.