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Martvili Canyon wins Council of Europe Landscape Award

The Martvili Canyon Development Project implemented by the Agency of Protected Areas of Georgia of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture has become the winner of Landscape Award held within the Council of Europe Landscape Convention. The 2020 Award Ceremony will be held in the framework of Council of Europe Landscape Forum.

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Levan Davitashvili has received an official letter from Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention. As letter notes, the project has gained the prize for its contribution to raising public awareness on environmental issues, as well as for its special importance. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe recognized the project as a member of a single network.

 “According to the policy developed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, the ecotourism development of protected areas is carried out.
Our concept covers all protected areas across the country, therefore, three key factors should be taken into consideration in the planning process: First, the unique biodiversity  of the country should not be put at risk by implimentation of infrastructure projects. Second – all projects should acquire an educational function, accordingly, visitor centers were set up for this purpose, and thirdly, by developing protected areas we are committed to developing local eco-tourism businesses, enhancing agriculture and improving socio-economic level of the local population in the regions  ”said Levan Davitashvili.

A great number of projects from 47 member states have been nominated for the Prize. These projects have played an important role in the landscape restoration and set an example of how landscapes should be restored and managed.

The aforementioned competition has been running since 2008 and projects submitted by different countries, including France, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Spain etc. are winners of the competition.

Martvili Canyon is one of the remarkable natural monuments of Georgia. In 2019, it became one of the most popular protected area. During the last eight months of this year, 150,000 people have visited the canyon.

Martvili Canyon is one of the clear examples of engagement of local community in the sustainable development process. As a result of the construction of the Canyon Visitor Center as well as arrangement of infrastructure, tourism has become safer, the number of visitors has been increased and new jobs have been created.