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The launch of a pilot project on the Application of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Draft Alazani-Iori River Basin Management Plan (RBMP)

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Nino Tandilashvili attended the coordination meeting, whereby the Pilot Project on the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Alazani-Iori River Basin Management Plan was discussed by participants.

According to the Deputy, the pilot project will further strengthen the capacity of the Ministry to implement the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Alazani-Iori River Basin Management Plan.

 “With the financial support of the EU we are launching a new project, which is targeted at the strategic evaluation of water resources sector. The project enables us to reveal problems and measures to overcome existing challenges.

At the project review phase, the guidelines on the strategic assessments will be developed to help the Ministry on the application of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the water sector ”said the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Nino Tandilashvili.

The purpose of the coordination meeting was to get stakeholders acquainted with the goals, tasks, expected outcomes, as well as the planning process of the Alazani-Ioari river Basin Management. At the meeting, the participants discussed the pros and cons of the pilot project.
The pilot project is initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and is a part of the EU program ‘’EU Water Initiative plus Eastern Partnership Countries’’. The program promotes the development of the long-term visions of the reforms undertaken by partner countries in the water resources sector.

The pilot project is being implemented by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the European Consortium (Austrian Environmental Agency (Austria) and the International Office for Water (IOWater) (France)).