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Georgian government approves technical regulations on alcoholic beverages

The Government of Georgia has adopted a new technical regulation on alcoholic beverages. The Regulation includes the obligation to provide the list of ingredients, names, also rules how to label and present alcoholic beverages on the market. The regulations require food business operators to regulate the manufacturing and marketing conditions for production.
The new regulations do not refer to alcoholic beverages of grape origin as defined by Georgian legislation. The regulations include alcoholic beverages that are made from freshly peeled fruit, stone fruit or non-stone fruit, fermented alcoholic beverages, or beverages made from honey etc. The requirements submitted by the project includes all business operators.
The technical regulation aims to determine the principles of regulation in the production, processing and distribution of alcoholic spirits as well as protection of consumers' rights. It is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages that are placed in a vessel with lead caps or corks.
The resolution will be enacted on April 1, 2019. Due to the interests of business operators, the alcoholic drinks placed on the market, which are not in compliance with the requirements set in this Decree will be permitted to sell until January 1, 2020.