The ways of solving the problems related to Asian Stink Bug
The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Solomon Pavliashvili visited Guria region where he met with the regional governor Merab Chanukvadze, representatives of local self-government and Information-Consultation Service. Challenges and solutions in the field of agriculture were discussed at the meeting.
The participants were focused on the planned activities to take against the Asian Stink Bug in 2018. All agencies of the Ministry together with the local authorities and regional administration will be involved in this process. Monitoring systems will be installed and measures will be planned according to the achieved results.
The local governance to implement municipal activities on the 9000 hectare area of Kolkheti National Park, including future prospects of implementation of amelioration works in Lanchkhuti municipality and transfer of self-governance functions for delivery of efficient agricultural extension service was discussed at the meeting.