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Teacher Training Vocational Program in the f tea farming specialty has been completed in Ozurgeti Vocational College "Horizont’’.

Teacher Training Vocational Program in the specialty of tea farming  has been completed in Ozurgeti Vocational College "Horizont’’.
Agricultural sector needs professionals and vocational education specialists, furthermore, educational system does not have sufficient resources to meet this need. Thereby, the purpose of the program is to eliminate this inconsistency.


In September 2019,  the first batch of training graduates participated in a pilot program of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Vocational College in Guria region. The program is implemented with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Government of Switzerland.


"The new model of vocational education and retraining aims to promote agricultural sector modernization in Georgia, create jobs and increase farmers income," said the First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Giorgi Khanishvili.


The participants noted, that Swiss experience will help Georgia to improve the vocational education system.


“Increasing agricultural productivity is a necessary precondition for poverty reduction in rural areas. Investing in human capital, in turn, will increase the productivity ”said the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Georgia Louisa Vinton .


The Governor of Guria Region, Zurab Nasaraia  noted, that through joint project, specialists were retrained to share the knowledge and experience gained through program with their colleagues.


These Pilot projects are a part of a joint, large-scale VET program of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Government of Switzerland, which will be continued until 2022 in close cooperation with the Government of Georgia, Georgian Farmers Association, vocational colleges, public and private farmer advisory centers, universities and rural communities. The program has already provided training and advisory services to 12,000 rural residents.