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Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Khatia Tsilosani attended the second conference of grape growers in the village of Kachreti, Gurjaani municipality.

Khatia Tsilosani attended the second conference of grape growers in the village of Kachreti, Gurjaani municipality.

 The conference initiated by Majoritarian MP from Gurjaani Municipality, Davit Songulashvili brought together 300 winegrowers from different regions of Georgia.

At the meeting, the participants discussed problems related to the viticulture sector and lay out solutions.

The Deputy Minister addressed the participants and introduced initiatives planned by the Ministry to facilitate the production of high quality products in the viticulture and winemaking field.
"Georgia, as the homeland of wine has an ambition to produce top quality products. This is due to  Georgian vine and  grape varieties that have been created during the 8-years of continuous tradition of winemaking. Moreover, modern technologies, which contribute to the development of the winery sector are of utmost importance for us"- said the Deputy Minister.


Khatia Tsilosani brought forward new plant certification system, which should become the basis for high quality production. Khatia Tsilosani got winemakers familiar with the programs targeted at the development of the winery field. Specifically, the deputy set focus on the agro insurance, vineyard cadastre program, wine quality laboratory research etc.


The Chairman of the National Wine Agency, Levan Mekhuzla also addressed the participants, outlining the vineyard as one of the main determinants to get the top quality wine production.
According to Levan Mekhuzla, raising awaremess and knowledge as well as introduction of modern technology in the field is crucial.


At the conference, David Songulashvili announced, that Kakheti Expo will be held next year, which will be an even bigger event and will provide more opportunities for farmers.


It should be mentioned, that two panels were organized at the conference, where speakers brought forward diversity of grape varieties, cadastral program, bio-diversity, wine marketing, agro insurance, small business support projects. Qvevri opening ceremony, viticulture and winemaking and wine tasting were also held at the conference.


At the event, representatives of  Korneli Kekelidze National Center of Manuscripts delivered symbolic gifts to Khatia Tsilosani, David Songulashvili and Levan Mekhuzla, in particular copies of unique manuscripts related to the vine and wine culture kept at the center.