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Recommendations have been developed for Agricultural Cooperatives

The First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Giorgi Khanishvili hosted the Resident Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Yukiko Ejiri and members of the Experts Group of Agricultural Cooperatives in Georgia.


The Head of the expert group, Okuda Hisakatsu, introduced the participants with the recommendations on the development of agricultural cooperatives.


 “ The experts' recommendations setting focus on the development of agricultural cooperatives absolutely coincide with the vision of Georgian Government and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, accordingly, this fact is of utmost importance for us. We believe, that through joint efforts we will accelerate the pace of development of farm cooperatives, furthermore, we will improve our approaches and help Georgian farmers  united under the cooperatives to get economic benefits in the shortest possible time ”said Giorgi Khanishvili.


The recommendation provides a successful example to create “One Community One Cooperative” in Georgia. Co-operation is one of the important ways to create cooperatives in the villages, which will create additional jobs and stop a growing throng of migrants from the villages.


 “During the visit, we held meetings with the representatives of cooperatives from different regions of Georgia. In collaboration with the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency, we have developed recommendations to develop farm cooperatives. Furthermore, increasing knowledge of shareholders and enhancing their management skills to improve future operating performance is crucial for cooperatives ”said Okuda Hisakatsu, head of the expert group.


The agricultural cooperatives’ experts held a visit to Georgia within the joint project of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)  ''Creation of Business-oriented Agricultural Cooperatives in Georgia''.


The next phase of the project is designing and organizing a training session in Japan for members of agricultural cooperatives.