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Issues related to the enforcement of regulation on the plastic and biodegradable bags being discussed at the meetings

The officials of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture conduct meetings in different regions of Georgia to highlight issues on the enforcement of regulation on the plastic and biodegradable bags .


The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Solomon Pavliashvili and Minister of Agriculture of Ajara AR Tite Aroshidze held a meeting with the representatives of local self-government in Batumi and Kobuleti.


 “Georgia has an effective waste management strategy and an environmental policy, which sets focus on the high environmental standards, furthermore, reducing the highest consumption of plastic bags and removing them from trade networks still remain one of the major challenges in the country. Therefore, we continue meetings with local population across Georgia. Our goal is to have a complex approach towards this issue and make it work.
According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, local self-government bodies take control on the violations of regulations, the Customs Department of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia takes control over import of bags, the Department of Environmental Supervision controls the production of bags.


 ‘’It is very important to reduce the number of plastic bags and replace them with biodegradable ones, as plastic bags represent a significant threat to the environment ” Solomon Pavliashvili said.


The issues related to the control mechanisms on the enforcement of regulations regarding use of plastic and biodegradable bags, how to enhance capacities of local authorities, details of technical regulations and the ways to implement monitoring systems for effective implementation of environmental regulation have been brought forward at the meeting.


The representatives of City Hall and City Council of Batumi and Kobuleti, Environmental Protection Service and Division of the Environmental Supervision Department in Adjara region attended the meeting.