Nino Tondilashvili: " Under the New Policy for Water Resources Management, water supply will be available for population and rational use of water resources will be ensured"
The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Nino Tandilashvili attended the coordination meeting on Integrated Water Resources Management.
“The Government of Georgia is developing a new policy for water resources management. The involvement of all relevant authorities, public and non-governmental sector is essential however, in the light of the global climate change, it is important to create a water management policy and a system, which on the one hand will ensure rational use of water resources and on the other hand will provide water resources to our population. ” Nino Tandilashvili said.
Under the frame of the National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management, the participants discussed issues related to the relevant practical experience in the water resources management. moreover, considering environmental principles, the challenges existed in the water resources management have been brought forward at the meeting.
As mentioned at the meeting, the introduction of new approaches in the water resources management sector will help to improve water supply and sewerage services as well as environmental activities.
“In the six Eastern Partnership countries, we are implementing the largest technical assistance project in the water management sector. I would like to point out, that we have already achieved positive results in Georgia. Our cooperation will be further continued, we will make endeavors to help Georgia to improve water quality monitoring system "said the team EUWI + project leader Alexander Zink,.
The representatives of the Government of Georgia, local stakeholders and NGOs, as well as international experts from EU Member States attended the meeting.
The reform implemented in Georgia's water sector aims to introduce river basin management principles, which among other requirements includes the development of river basin management plans and improvement of the water monitoring system, which will be in line with the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD).
The coordination meeting was held in partnership with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia with the support of the EU Water Initiative Plus for Eastern Partnership (EUWI +) project.