Adapted for people with disabilities



The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture addresses the population, requesting not to burn waste on privately owned agricultural land, pastures and mowers while undertaking spring works, as far as these activities might cause an uncontrolled fire and lead to disastrous consequences (damage to soil and destruction of forests)

Burning municipal non-hazardous waste (leaves, garden / park waste, household waste) outdoors  or non- fuel equipment will result in a fine of up to 200 GEL.


The fires are prohibited in the National Forest Fund area under tree trunks, in young coniferous forests, old groves, fire damaged areas , untreated wood waste, timber leftovers, peat deposits covering large areas and dry grass areas.


The fire is permitted in the forest fund area, if fire pit is previously arranged. The pre-arrangement means to clean or remove flammable materials or substances that can ignite easily and burn rapidly (hay, dried grass, leaves, pine) from fire place within a radius of 1.5 m.


Summer is the hottest season, accordingly wildfires are not unusual this time of year, according to statistics, human negligence causes a huge part of forest fires, which can lead to disastrous consequences. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Georgia, for violation of the rules of fire safety in the woods or forests, due to the spread of fire in a certain area, the loss or damage of forests, can result in fines ranging from GEL 100 to GEL 200.


Burning, Damaging or destroying a forest or a plant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of four to eight years. The criminal case will be initiated, if damage amounts to 1000 GEL.