"We are working to prevent food deficit and speculative rise in prices, in consequence, we are protecting our consumers not to be harmed’’ Levan Davitashvili said.
We follow the Prime Minister’s instruction, accordingly, the working group on food supplies and price regulation is established in the country, which is led by Vice Prime Minister Maia Tskitishvili.The Minister Levan Davitashvili held a working meeting, bringing together representatives of large food chains, importers and distributors. The meeting was conducted at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.
“Under the Prime Minister's instruction, the group is working at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, which holds meetings with the suppliers and monitors food security in the country. Regular monitoring and daily meetings will be further continued with the importers, distributors and major retailers in order not to affect the food supply, avoid speculation behind the commodity price rise and not to harm consumers ”Levan Davitashvili said.
As noted at the meeting, despite the restrictions imposed due to the threat of the spread of coronaviruses, there is no danger of food shortages in the country.
The Business Ombudsman, a representative of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development as well as the Heads of the relevant agencies within the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture attended the meeting.