Nino Tandilashvili presented the package of legislative amendments
At the Legal Issues Committee of Parliament, under the terms of the legislative initiative of the government, the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Nino Tandilashvili presented the package of legislative amendments, which envisages amendments to the Administrative Offenses, Criminal Law and Waste Management Code.
The proposed amendments envisage responsibility for violation of the requirements for import, production and sale of plastic and biodegradable bags on the territory of Georgia. Also, sanctions will be imposed for violation of hunting rules and the use of illegal mining.
Therefore, it is very important to reduce pressure on forests and maximize the facts of illegal logging /use of timber, accordingly the Ministry has initiated additional proposals and imposed tightening sanctions for unlawful transportation of timber and for arrangement of unregistered sawmills. The Legal Issues Committee of Parliament supported additional initiatives.
Legislative amendments will contribute to further effective management of waste in the country, reduction and prevention of illegal logging and use of timber resources and minerals. Â