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Levan Davitashvili: “The role of the food industry is immense, its function is essential for human existence and it might be one of the most important employers in the country. We will support our local production, local business. I hope, that Georgian local products will further substitute imported goods. "

" Georgian Dream’’ being the ruling party in the country, has always supported and prioritized development of the local business, local production. We are implementing projects, including Agricultural Development Strategy and an Action Plan, which will further facilitate to increase self-sufficiency and use agricultural export potential to the highest degree. Considering sweeping changes in the global economy, I would willingly respond and support the initiative of the Prime Minister, Giorgi Gakharia, according to which the main focus will be set on the low competition products. A few days ago, a study and analysis conducted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was published. The United Nations addressed to a number of countries and asked them to not impose trade restrictions and maintain an uninterrupted food supply chain.

In the current circumstances, we cannot wait for the good will or kindness of different countries. Although Georgia pursues a liberal market policy with open trade regimes and we take measures to support the development of our production, however, in previous years, many critics and oppositionists selected absolutely different priorities, due to which, the Georgian Dream government has inherited a tough legacy, significant decrease in local agricultural production. 

As a result of the agricultural projects implemented in the country, many Georgian locally produced products appeared on the shelves. Furthermore, the companies which are not competitive players in the market, such as Agara Sugar Company etc.., under the favorable conditions, namely, preferential trading arrangements, including transportation, or credit mechanisms, will be able to restore and launch their production. The same could be said about primary food production, such as pasta, which may not be competitive under the free market conditions .

Our Ministry together with the Ministry of Economy actively started a communication with the local producers, we are providing producers with the information regarding conditions and support, which is crucial for them in order to develop their production. At present,  employment of people is of utmost importance. We have to impose restrictions on too many economic activities, accordingly, the role of food industry is great, its function is essential for human existence  and it might be one of the most important employers in the country. We will support Georgian local production and hope our products will replace the imported goods in the country ”said the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Levan Davitashvili.