Levan Davitashvili: "If agricultural markets follow the recommendations and adhere to the standards developed by the National Food Agency, they will further continue to operate under the format of the wholesale platform ‘’.
"The aforementioned standards are published on the official pages of the National Food Agency and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture. The standard includes a list of mandatory requirements, which should be strictly followed by business operators, as well as market administration to avoid the spread of the disease in the country.
The requirements include provision of special, personal protective equipment for traders, strict adherence to hygienic and sanitary conditions for food safety, daily disinfection activities, also traceability related issues, including available information on each trader, their identification and registration in order to track their activities, contacts.., it is important to determine where they were moving, information about their travel statistics and history.
It is necessary to know traders contacts within the last 14 days. According to these requirements, if employees of these markets have communicable diseases, they will not be allowed to their workplaces, restrictions will be imposed on 70 + years old traders as well, as they are at health risks At present, one of the top priorities is to protect the health of our residents.
All decisions made by the Interagency Coordination Council is urgent and aims to ensure the protection of health of the population in the country.
The standard also includes rules for trading conditions, namely distances between counters, where goods are displayed. Traders should be more organized if there are small spaces, a specific food trade plan should be drafted along with the work schedule that will be accepted by the National Food Agency.
The headquarters will make decisions whether or not the agricultural market continues to operate in a particular municipality.
It is important to note, that apart from measures, that will be taken by the administration, the standard also includes rules for traders, namely, each trader must wear a face mask and follow the sanitary hygiene rules.
Furthermore, along with the hygiene and sanitary conditions, the obligations were established not only for sales staff, but for customers as well.
Under the Georgian Government Resolution 181, in the state of emergency, the sanctions might be imposed on any entity violating rules, will it be a business operator, a trader or a consumer, ”said the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.