Debt taken from Georgian Melioration Ltd risen sharply to 8,000,000 GEL in 2012-2019 will be canceled for 42,000 farmers
At the initiative of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, under the decision of the Government of Georgia, 42,000 individuals and legal entities will be fully written off the debt of up to 8,000,000 GEL, which was taken from Georgian Melioration Ltd. for irrigating agricultural land areas in 2012- 2019.
This debt will be automatically deducted from farmers account.
Moreover, in 2020, more than 42 thousand farmers will be exempted from land reclamation service fee, which means a tax of up to 75 GEL per hectar amounting 5 million GEL in total.
All farmers will get an assistance under the program, especially those ones using irrigation and drainage services on up to 10 hectares of land area (in eastern Georgia - irrigation fee amounts to 75 GEL per hectare, in western Georgia - irrigation fee is 45 GEL per hectare, drainage amounts to 40 GEL). In case, if farmers own more than 10 ha of land area, the owner will pay the difference.
If an individual or a legal entity is willing to get a benefit under the program, he/she should sign an application for irrigation services, whereby, he writes how many hectares of land area he owns and indicates months, dates, when irrigation services are most in demand.