Peach harvest enters its peak season in Gurjaani region
The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Solomon Pavliashvili together with the Mayor of Gurjaani Municipality, Archil Khandamashvili visited the wholesale fruit market in Chumlaki village arranged in response to the epidemiological situation in the country.
Special rules are applied in the fruit distribution market to prevent the spread of coronavirus. All vehicles are disinfected before entering the market area, drivers and farmers undergo mandatory thermal screening.
Solomon Pavliashvili and Archil Khandamashvili have seen five refrigeration plants in the village Chumlaki. They met with the heads of the companies and highlighted crop harvesting and storing related issues.
It should be noted, that this year, 20 refrigerators will be engaged in fruit production, including new refrigerators. The "shock freezing" method has been introduced, which allows to store fruit for 5-6 months.
"This year, we are expecting an abundant harvest of peaches and nectarines, which will reach about 35,000 tons.
The coordination headquarter operates in Gurjaani region to organize the uninterrupted process of harvesting, delivery and sale of fruit.