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"Many important, complex reforms were implemented in the environmental field" declared Levan Davitashvili

"Many important, complex reforms were implemented in the environmental field, 
new approaches were introduced in waste management, which establishes principles of a green economy, a circular economy.
At the same time, one of the most important reforms is related to the adoption of the Forest Code; We have already started to develop opportunities for sustainable forest management in the country.
Log sort yards have been established by National Forestry Agency to restore access to timber resources, both for business sector and private individuals, accordingly, vicious practice of social cutting will come to an end to resolve this matter once and for all. 

I believe, that 2020 is a very important year and turning point to a certain extent. Maintaining protected areas and biodiversity, protecting nature and environment is a priority for our government and Ministry, I think, that the numbers speak for themselves. The Prime Minister has mentioned, that more than 200,000 hectares are being added to the protected areas.

The protected areas included about 600,000 hectares, at present it is increasing  by 30%. This is an unprecedented increase of the protected areas, which has never taken place until this day.

However, the increasing protected area is one part and the other is a qualitative improvement, including introduction of different categories in the existing protected areas, which will allow us to better maintain and protect biodiversity.  Moreover,  a number of infrastructure projects have been implemented, which will enable to develop the ecotourism in the country. More than $ 55 million private investment are allocated in this direction. "- said Levan Davitashvili.

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Levan Davitashvili made a comment in the Parliament, where Prime Minister presented a report  on the activities implemented in 2019-2020.