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We have imposed certain sanctions for environmental offences, which I think will have a deterrent effect’’ declared Levan Davitashvili

"Amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses. We see, that population is claiming to impose fines and penalties for business owners, who are constantly polluting the air, as a result of which, emissions are several times higher, than the legal limit. We have introduced certain sanctions, which I think ultimately will have a deterrent effect. These funds, penalties are quite large - 10, 15 and often up to 50 thousand GEL, it depends of the frequency of offences and emissions being higher than the legal limit.

Subsequently, self-monitoring systems established for these types of business activities, which are revealed as a great source of emission in the atmospheric air is an important requisite determined in this package and submitted along with the law on environmental liability at the government session today.

I hope, that these documents will be discussed in time, and at the autumn session, the parliament will adopt a new package, whereby, environmental responsibility will be disposed in accordance with the European principles ”Levan Davitashvili said.