Climate-smart agriculture related issues to discuss at the workshop
The two-day workshop organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and with the financial support of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) was held in Borjomi.
"The introduction of the climate-smart agricultural practices will be an important step forward to increase agricultural productivity. All stakeholders responsible for introduction of climate-smart agriculture in the country are initially involved in developing specific recommendations. These recommendations help to protect the interests of farmers and are directly related to the sustainable development goals "- said the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Khatia Tsilosani.
The concept and approaches of climate -smart agriculture, as well as mechanisms to introduce the climate-smart agricultural practice into the state programs and policies have been brought forward by the participants, who also got familiar with the international and local regulations, current and planned projects.
 The climate-smart agriculture includes 3 main areas, namely, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable agriculture productivity (improving production efficiency, as well as efficient use of resources), management of crop, soil, and water resources.
The representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture as well as relevant agencies within the Ministry, the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), e Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Caucasus Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations Network (CENN) and the Organic Farming and Rural Tourism Network (ELKANA) attended the meeting.