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" The Bill to be adopted at the earliest possible date is in the interest of the Ministry’’ stated Levan Davitashvili

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Levan Davitashvili met with the Georgian civil activists "Gavigude". The participants addressed the need to speed up the discussion in the parliament on the new draft law on "Environmental Responsibility", which has already been approved by Georgian Government.

The Minister noted, that new bill is quite complex and it will completely change the approaches on ‘’Environmental Responsibility’’. All stakeholders to be engaged in the bill drafting process is crucial.


" Legislative changes will not be effective without engagement and readiness of the public and the private sector.We held an active communication with the public, private and non-governmental sectors during the development of the new draft law on ‘’Environmental Responsibility’’, furthermore, the bill to be adopted at the earliest possible date is in the interest of the Ministry”said Levan Davitashvili.


 At the meeting, Georgian civil activists "Gavigude" set focus on the risks that might be emerged, when  the bill is discussed at the autumn session, they stated, that the bill to be discussed at the spring session and accelerate  its adoption is of utmost importance.