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Deputy Minister Solomon Pavliashvili: “Georgia drafts circular economy strategy”

“How to create a national circular economy road map” – has been a topic of the discussion hosted under the leadership of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra within an online World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF). The forum scrutinized the Sitra-developed guide based on the Finnish road map, which entails best practices and recommendations. Deputy Minister of the Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA), Mr Solomon Pavliashvili informed attendees of the WCEF on crucial steps undertaken by Georgia toward drafting circular economy strategy.

“Circular economy empowers us to respond to tremendous drawbacks – exaggerated usage of natural resources, climate change and loss of biodiversity. A “road map” to circular economy is an instrument, which sets forth concrete steps and determines stakeholders’ approaches toward crucial amendments and actions for circular transformation” – Deputy Minister Pavliashvili stated.

The Swedish Government-supported efforts are undertaken for complementing to popularizing circular economy in Georgia, by the Orchis Union of Nature Researchers of Georgia, held within the project "Keep Georgia Tidy". The program provides expertise to interlocutors on how to accelerate application of circular model at various economic layers.