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Georgia has exported 7, 824 tonnes of persimmons worth of 4,2 million USD

Georgia remains in an active phase of exporting persimmons, apart from apples, hazelnut and tangerines. During the period of August 1 – November 23, 2020, Georgia has exported 7, 824 tonnes of persimmons, which has amounted to 4, 2 million USD. As a comparison to an incumbent momentum of 2019 – export scale of persimmons has boosted in 14 %, while cost of export to 18 %. Moreover, export price on persimmons has increased in 4 % during the respective period of time.

The core export destinations for the Georgian persimmons are the Russian Federation (3, 377 tonnes), Ukraine (2, 832 tonnes) and Armenia (1, 475 tonnes). Dwellers of Belarus, Qatar, Moldova, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan and Hungary have also received Georgian-exported persimmons.Â