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Deputy Minister Solomon Pavliashvili joins a remote session on waste management system

Opportunities for perfecting waste management system, waste management code, enforcement of 5-year plan of waste management process had been scrutinized at a remote meeting on waste management system. Mr Solomon Pavliashvili, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) joined the meeting and delivered opening remarks: “The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia is a key interlocutor in determining waste management policy, while the local municipalities and their units are responsible for enforcement. The municipalities shall launch waste separation process, followed with involvement of companies ready to separate waste and garn a new product. It is crucial to collect, transport and accommodate waste without causing harm to an environment”.


Mr Giorgi Guliashvili, President of the Georgian Waste Management Association (GWMA) spoke to the attendees on enterprises, which recycle paper, glass, plastic, used oil and tires. 


Deputy Minister Pavliashvili underlined primary beneficiaries of the financial stimulus that are enterprises, committed to ensuring green economy and green jobs, concepts and waste-less technologies. 


The meeting has been initiated by Ms Nino Chkhobadze, chairperson of the Georgian Green Movement/Friends of the Earth Georgia; the remote session enjoyed participation of representatives from state agencies, NGOs, private sector and expert groups.