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Petrol quality norms harmonized with the European standards

The Government-adopted decision has been translated to amending the State ordinance on “petrol quality norms”, which entails more harmonization of the latter norms with the European standards and determining norms per each of the characteristics entailed within the European Directive. New parameters have been complemented to petrol quality norms, which enhances burning gasoline, thus improving dioxide and carbon emissions in atmospheric air. Deployment of new parameters will not impact price on petrol.

Gradual enhancement of fuel quality requirements and environmental parameters has been complying with the Euro 5 of the European emission standards since 2017. Meanwhile, significant increase in sanctions for violating gasoline quality norms has been strictly adhered to within amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses and Criminal Code of Georgia. Since 2016, the Department of Environmental Supervision ensures monitoring of gasoline quality, including petrol. 301 samples of patrol have been taken in two stages from 252 refueling stations and tested for lead, sulfur and octane measure. There have been several cases of violating octane measures, however, no other type of violations have been determined.