The latest Association Implementation Report on Georgia embraces successful fulfillment of obligations set forth in the EU-Georgia Association Agreement in the fields of environment, agriculture and rural development
The European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy have released an Association Agreement (AA) Implementation report on Georgia for the year of 2020. The report pointed out that Georgia, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, has ensured an undisturbed implementation of the AA, including in the areas of environmental protection, climate change and agriculture, as well as approximation process with the respective EU acquis.
The Implementation Report has positively evaluated the meaningful steps taken by the Government of Georgia towards approximation of Georgian legislation with the EU acquis. As a result, new Forest Code of Georgia was adopted, which provides a legal framework for sustainable forest management; the draft Law “On Environmental Liability” is submitted to the Parliament; the Parliament adopted amendments to the law “On Ambient Air Protection”, based on which Georgia will fully switch to the European ambient air quality management system in line with appropriate EU directives.
The European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy welcome the gradual implementation of the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility, as well as updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and creation of the Climate Change Council, which has institutionally strengthened decision-making process related to climate change. The report also highlights the adoption of the law “On Aquaculture”, which defines aquaculture zones allocations in the coastal areas and in inland waters and establishes conditions for the issuance of permits. The report positively evaluates the progress made in fisheries sector with regard to legislation and its implementation, as well as that Georgia adheres to the plan of approximation of veterinary, phytosanitary and food safety regulations with the EU legislation on SPS measures.
The report also emphasizes that in November 2020, the European Commission granted the authorisation of animal by-products for pet food produced in Georgia.