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The Government of Georgia adopts the technical regulation on “action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides”

The Government of Georgia adopted the technical regulation on “action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides”, which has been developed in accordance with the Association Agreement (AA) with the European Union and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). 

The regulation determines legal bases for sustainable utilization of pesticides for human health and risks on an environment upon using these, as well as integrated management of hazardous bodies and deployment of alternative methods, such as non-chemical alternatives of pesticides. 

In frames of the regulation, an action plan will be developed, which will ensure an integrated management of hazardous bodies; a priority shall be assigned to utilizing non-chemical methods for plant protection and culture management. 

The respective regulation will ensure perfection of procedures at a pesticides’ market, which will be bases for an effective use of plants and safe utilization for humans and environment. 

The regulation will be enacted on January 1, 2024 and launch of a transitional period has been determined in order to enable oversight bodies and subjects to have sufficient time for ensuring compliance with the new requirements.