By 2030, 1500 hectares of forest will be cultivated and restored
The nationally determined contribution (INDC) of Georgia, with regard to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) implies to cultivate and restore 1500 hectares of forest by 2030; moreover, as an effective effort to boost natural recovery at more than 7500 hectares of forest will ensure restoration of forest representation.
Therefore, the National Forest Agency aims at restoring and cultivating more than 150 hectares of forests, annually, which will complement the forests in the country. The respective efforts are being undertaken nationwide; temporary seedlings of forests are being set up, forests are being recovered, natural recovery actions on forests are being fostered, as well as shaping plantations of fast-growing plants.
Since 2013, 6,4 hectares have been utilized for temporary seedlings; forests have been recovered and cultivated at more than 590, 27 hectares. Moreover, forests recovered and cultivated at more than 833, 41 hectares have been taken care of.
Throughout the last few years, the most sensitive area is the Borjomi gorge, which has suffered from fire during 2008 – 2017. During the period of 2018 – 2020, complexed actions for recovering forests have been undertaken at 314 hectares, which has fully grasped the priority areas.