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Government of Georgia adopts a resolution on approval of the ‘’Technical Regulation on Aquaculture"

" Technical Regulation on Aquaculture " has been elaborated on the basis of the Law of Georgia on Aquaculture and aims to promote the preservation of biodiversity, protection of the environment, efficient use of natural resources, protection of consumers' interests, promotion of the food security in the country, also protection of those persons, who are undertaking aquaculture activities in accordance with the requirements set forth in the technical Regulation and legislation of Georgia.

The technical regulation defines different types of aquaculture farms and determines obligations for an entity engaged in the aquaculture field. Any entity undertaking aquaculture activities is obliged to register in the register of economic activities, as a business operator. The technical regulation define important issues, that are necessary for implementing sustainable aquaculture activities.


In addition, the technical regulation sets out the rules for conducting ecological monitoring, aiming to assess the environmental impact when implementing aquaculture activities, assessing risks and developing appropriate conclusions and recommendations, as well as protection of aquatic ecosystems.


The draft technical regulation is prepared by the LEPL National Environmental Agency of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.