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EU supports Georgia in strengthening food safety system and helps in sharing experiences of successful countries

The First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Mr. George Khanishvili attended the event


at the Sheraton Grand Tbilisi Metechi Palace, where activities carried out within the framework of the EU-funded Twinning project - "Ensuring further progress of the SPS and food safety system in Georgia" were summed up by participants, who also highlighted key aspects of the project, as well as future plans. 

While addressing the participants, George Khanishvili expressed his appreciation for the EU’s support to strengthening the food safety system in Georgia. 

“Georgia is going through a new important phase of implementing modern food safety standards and approximating with the EU legislation in this area; therefore, sharing the experiences of the EU Member States involved in this project is essential”- stated Mr. Khanishvili.

“The approximation process with the European Union legislation in the field of food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary is proceeding according to the plan. In 2015-2020, up to 150 legal acts were approximated within the framework of the DCFTA agreement. As a result of the support provided by the European Union, we already have tangible results in protecting the interests of consumers, introducing modern standards in production and raising awareness in the business sector. However, challenges remain as we move forward. We have ambition to make Georgian products competitive on the EU market. In this regard, it is important to share the experience of other successful countries and this opportunity is being offered by the Twinning project” stated Mr. Zurab Chekurashvili, Head of the National Food Agency.


"EU continues supporting Georgia in strengthening food safety for better consumer protection and export opportunities in Agriculture. The main benefit of the Twinning project is that it will boost the competitiveness of Georgian products in the European Union market and strengthen consumer confidence in the food control system’’ said the project leader, Director General of Latvian Food and Veterinary Service, Māris Balodis.


The event was attended by Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Khvtisiashvili, representatives of the diplomatic corps, the Ministry of Finance, non-governmental sector and sectoral associations. The Twinning project has been implemented since October 2020, with the involvement of Georgia, Latvia, Estonia and Sweden. Experts invited from partner countries within the project share their knowledge and practical experience with their Georgian counterparts. 

"Twinning’’ is a European Union instrument allowing for a direct exchange of knowledge and expertise between EU Member States public administrations and their counterparts in the Beneficiary Country. The project will run until November 2022.

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