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In accordance with the decision made at the Government session today, the state program "Co-financing of refrigerated storage facilities for berry crops of agricultural cooperatives" was launched

The new state program envisages co-financing for purchasing the special refrigerated storage container for crops produced at berry orchards, which were planted under the sub-component of the program "Plant the Future".

Under the terms and conditions of the program, the amount of co-financing per beneficiary was set at no more than 80% of the true cost of refrigerators, but not more than GEL 80,00.

The agricultural cooperative, or its shareholders willing to participate in the program should own the berry orchards planted under the“ Sub-component of Berry Crop Financing of state program ‘’Plant the Future’’,  the total area must include at least 3 hectares. 
It should be mentioned, that the state has provided 100 per cent funding for cultivation of berry crops for three years. 1,345 beneficiaries of the program ‘’ Plant the Future’’ planted berry crops on 525 hectares of agricultural land area during that period. Moreover, farmers can still plant the berry crops under the standard terms and conditions of the program (70% co-financing).