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Otar Shamugia: "I would like to address our population, that there is no need to create food stocks "

" Remember, even at the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, we saw panic purchases resulting in a shortage of certain products on the shelves. However, neither then it was caused by the lack of supplies, but rather by the processes associated with the creation of food stocks by the population.

I would like to ask our people, that there is no need to create stocks and make additional purchases for this purpose, as far as, we have sufficient food stocks in all areas, not only for primary consumption, but stocks of other products as well, and our society will see this in the coming days," said the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Otar Shamugia.

The Minister also spoke about the food supply process and noted, that the food stock replenishment process is proceeding normally. There is no delay in the import of any product; The country has the amount of supplies needed to meet the demand of the population.