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Nino Tandilashvili provided Members of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee with the monitoring results obtained from the companies operating in the town of Rustavi

Mrs. Nino Tandilashvili, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture informed the Members of the Environment Protection and Natural Resources Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, about the monitoring results, regarding the fulfillment of environmental obligations imposed on the enterprises operating in the town of Rustavi. The respective obligations are established by the Law and the legislation of Georgia in the field of ambient air protection;

According to Mrs. Tandilashvili, four large enterprises operating in Rustavi were inspected as part of the monitoring campaign of enterprises. The monitoring of enterprises was initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture together with the Parliament and the local municipality leadership. 

Moreover, increasing the responsibility of enterprises to improve air quality is of the utmost importance.  Therefore, the goal of the monitoring campaign of large companies is to enable the enterprises to effectively fulfill their obligations established by the legislation of Georgia in the field of ambient air protection, at the earliest possible time.

"The monitoring process was truly effective. We had an opportunity to get closely acquainted with the current conditions and activities carried out by the enterprises, including, the deployment of self-monitoring systems, through which the Ministry will be able to monitor chemical substances emitted into the air from the enterprises on the one hand, and, on the other hand,  the technical re-equipment of enterprises, installation of filters and exhaust systems,  as well as ensuring their efficient operation should be completed.
We will further continue the monitoring process, as the implementation of the new standards is important to see the concrete results, regarding, improving air quality in the town of Rustavi and increasing the responsibility of enterprises.
It should also be emphasized, that after the recent legislative changes, many companies conducted instrumental monitoring, which revealed, that the emission norms submitted by the companies at the Ministry and emission standards laid down by the Ministry ( to regulate the output of air pollutants) were not in compliance with the current conditions of the companies. Therefore, the aforementioned companies started organizing their environmental documentation, specifically the level of compliance, and development of new norms ‘’-said Mrs.Tandilashvili.

According to the Deputy Minister, in parallel with the monitoring, the Department of Environmental Supervision carries out a complex inspection of large enterprises according to the plan, responds to each identified violation, and acts accordingly.
The meeting was attended by the Mayor of Rustavi, the head of the business association, civil activists, as well as representatives of enterprises in the town of Rustavi and the non-governmental sector.