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Grant Agreements were signed between the Agency for Protected Areas and Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF)

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Yuri Nozadze, Executive Director of the Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) Mr. Tobias Muenchmeyer, and Chairman of the Agency for Protected Areas Mr.Davit Iosebashvili signed the grant agreement.
The Agency for Protected Areas has been cooperating closely with the Caucasus Nature Fund for many years. We are pleased to have signed this important grant this year, which aims to increase the motivation of our employees and improve working conditions. I believe this support will further contribute to their well-being, "said Mr. Yuri Nozadze, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.

Under the framework of grant agreements, all employees of the territorial administration within the system of the protected areas will receive a salary supplement for the next year. The cooperation also includes the life and health insurance for all employees of all administrative units of the Agency and the improvement of their working conditions.

" We are providing the grant to the Agency for Protected Areas, which serves to motivate and support rangers in their unique day-to-day nature conservation activities.
We are glad, that we have made contributions to increase their motivation. Moreover, we are working to create the rewards and bonuses system for rangers, which based on their work performance, we believe will appreciate their work even more, "said Mr. Tobias Muenchmeyer, Executive Director of the Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF).
The Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) has been cooperating with the Agency for Protected Areas for many years and contributes greatly to the development of protected area infrastructure, as well as raising employee motivation.