George Khanishvili attends the Presentation ‘’ Freshwater Aquaculture Value Chain Analysis in Georgia’’
Mr. George Khanishvili, the First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture attended the presentation on ‘’ Freshwater Aquaculture Value Chain Analysis in Georgia’’
Mr. Khanishvili expressed his gratitude to the European Union and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for their support and stressed, that the development of aquaculture is a priority for the country.
The First Deputy Minister spoke at length about the progress made in the agricultural field;
It was mentioned, that several steps have already been taken in the respective area. Moreover, in 2020, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the Law on Aquaculture; A set of by-laws were prepared and published. Currently, the work is underway to develop the aquaculture strategy and at the same time, negotiations are being held with the European Union to open the EU market for aquaculture products produced in Georgia.
It was mentioned, that the presented research will play an important role in the development of the aquaculture sector. The EU experts visited Georgia, aiming to conduct the research. Significant work was carried out in the related research field.
The representatives of the relevant agencies of the Ministry and stakeholders attended the event.