For the Attention of Manufacturers, Importers and Distributors of Products subject to the Extended Producer Responsibility
On May 25, 2020, the Government of Georgia adopted 4 technical regulations ( Management of Waste Batteries and Accumulators, Management of Waste Tires, Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Management of Waste Oils) to introduce the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principles in the country. The rights and responsibilities of all parties involved in the EPR scheme are determined by the regulations.
 In accordance with the law, from 1 July 2022, distributors of products subject to the EPR are obliged not to place on the market the products supplied by those manufacturers who are not registered in the EPR electronic register and are not members of the EPR organization.
The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture once again calls on the producers and importers of products subject to the Extended Producer Responsibility to register in the EPR register system and become members of the EPR organization. Moreover, the distributors of the products subject to the EPR, from July 1, 2022, should not place on the market the products supplied by the manufacturers who are not registered in the EPR electronic register and are not members of the EPR organization.
As of today, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia has authorized the following organizations subject to the manufacturer's extended obligation:
• NNLE "Tegeta Green Planet"; Tel: 591 35 55 88; E-mail:
Collective compliance scheme: waste oils, waste tires, waste batteries.
• NNLE "Waste Management Business Association"; Tel: 593 35 78 91, 557 19 55 99; Email:
Collective compliance scheme: waste oils, waste tires, waste batteries.
•NNLE "Wasteless -Producer Responsibility Organization of Georgia "; Tel: 599 22 40 70; Email:
Collective compliance scheme: waste oils, waste tires, waste batteries and accumulators, waste electrical and electronic equipment.Â