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Otar Shamugia meets large exporters of Georgian products in New York City

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Mr. Otar Shamugia held a meeting with the Heads of the large exporting company of Georgian food products during his working visit to the United States of America.

The measures to promote the export of Georgian products have been discussed by parties during the meeting, which was held at the Consulate General of Georgia in New York. 

According to Mr. Shamugia, the diversification of export markets is one of the priorities for Georgia, and establishing Georgian quality products in the largest US market is of the utmost importance for the country.

The Minister expressed interest in the plans and challenges of large exporters. As mentioned at the meeting, the exporters of Georgian products need support from the state to participate in the international exhibitions in the US.

According to Mr. Shamugia, the state is actively involved in the marketing campaigns on the strategic markets, therefore, ensuring maximum support for large exporters in the aforementioned area will be further discussed.

Large exporters are selling Georgian food products ( including Georgian wine, mineral water, natural juices, Churchkhela, dried fruit, apple chips, canned goods etc. ) in the large markets of up to 30 states in the US.

According to the exporters, recently, the demand, as well as export rate for the aforementioned Georgian products have increased in the American market.

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Mrs. Nino Tandilashvili and Consul General Mrs. Diana Zhghenti attended the meeting held at the Consulate General of Georgia in New York City. 


