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Government of Georgia approves the rule on Monetary Compensation for Environmental Damage

The draft resolution "Technical Regulation on Approving the Rules on Monetary Compensation for Environmental Damage" initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture was adopted at the Government session today.

The project was prepared in accordance with the Law of Georgia on "Environmental Liability", and aims to determine the rules for calculating the amount of damage caused to the environment and monetary compensation for the damage caused, in case the level of damage to the environment does not correspond to the criteria of significant damage established by the law.

By the decree of the Government of Georgia,  in certain cases, the rules for calculating the amount of damage to the environment are tightened. Specifically, the rules for calculating the amount of damage caused to the environment during the illegal use of forest resources, extraction of certain minerals, hunting of endangered species of animals (namely, the bald eagle, the Egyptian vulture, the red-necked falcon, the  Caucasian snowcock and others) were tightened, also, the corrections were made to the terms by the Forest Code of Georgia.