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The peach and nectarine harvest season enters an active phase

More than 40 cold storage facilities are involved in the harvesting process to ensure the smooth storage and sale of the crop.


From May 1 to July 31, 2022, Georgia exported 16.7 thousand tonnes of peaches and nectarines
amounting to USD 18.6 million.


The volume of exports of peaches and nectarines decreased by 24 % (5.4 thousand tonnes ), while the value of exports declined by 6 % ( USD 1.3 million) compared to the same period in 2021. 
The harvest was delayed because of bad weather, which has led to an overall decrease in export.

The working group has been created in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, which has been actively working in the following areas: a collection of information, systematization, and forming peach and nectarines buyer/seller connections.

The "Single Window’’ approach is applied while preparing and issuing all necessary documents to facilitate the export of peaches and nectarines. The representatives of phytosanitary and customs services are involved in the process.
