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Otar Shamugia pays a visit to the tea processing enterprise created through state co-financing in Ozurgeti Municipality

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Otar Shamugia together with the State Representative of the Guria region, Mr. Giorgi Urushadze paid a visit to the tea processing plant of the "Laituri Tea Company" in the city of Ozurgeti, where state officials got acquainted with the tea manufacturing process.


"Tea manufacturing has a long-standing tradition in Georgia. Georgian tea was the popular and most demanded product, which indicates, that the industry has potential, due to which, the Government launched the ‘’Tea Plantation Rehabilitation Program’’ in 2016, whereupon, the tea plantations have been rehabilitated on 1,676 ha of agricultural land area across Georgia (241 ha in the Guria region), and the state co-financing exceeded GEL 3 million.


We offer financial support to farmers and entrepreneurs to increase Georgian tea production within the framework of the preferential agro-credit project. Currently, preferential agro-credit worth of GEL 4,395,112,524 was issued for that purpose.


Our programs include a grant component, technical assistance etc.. to increase tea production. Thus, we are providing support, which is an incentive and at the same time a guarantee to make the tea sector competitive, and make Georgian tea a demanded product, which will take its place in the international market among a wide variety of teas produced by New Zealand, China, Japan, India and other countries," said Mr. Shamugia.

"Laituri Tea Company" made an investment of GEL 500,000 to create the enterprise, out of which, Gel 155,000 is a preferential agro-credit. The company is a beneficiary of the "Tea Plantation Rehabilitation Program" and has received a state grant worth Gel 52,000 for the rehabilitation of 28 hectares of tea plantations.

The enterprise processes 65 tonnes of tea leaves per season. Products are sold both on local and international markets. The processing plant employs 10 people seasonally. This year, the international standard of food safety - HACCP was introduced in the company.

The Mayor of Ozurgeti municipality Mr. Avtandil Talakvadze and members of the local self-government accompanied the Minister at the Laituri Tea Company.

Through state support, 42 loans worth GEL  8,555,127 has been issued across Georgia, including 22 loans worth GEL 6,083,890 in the Guria region. The state's financial support gave the entrepreneurs an extra push for the development and expansion of tea production. 


