Green Economy and Sustainable Public Procurement-related issues to discuss at the meeting
The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Mr. Solomon Pavliashvili held a meeting with the Director of Procurement Group, United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Mrs. Annie Claire Howard.
Mr. Pavliashvili briefed the participants on the current state of the green economy and sustainable public procurement in Georgia, he also spoke about the fulfillment of obligations taken within the EU-Georgian Association Agreement.
It should be mentioned, that the Association Agreement with the European Union envisages the adoption of a sustainable public procurement approach, and encourages eco-labeling and eco-innovations.
The representatives of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) positively evaluated the activities carried out in Georgia towards sustainable public procurement, which will consequently contribute to the introduction of the aforementioned approach in the country.
As part of the EU-funded EU4Environment program, the United Nations Environment Program UNEP cooperates with the Environmental Information and Education Centre and the State Procurement Agency to actively introduce and promote sustainable public procurement in Georgia. The measures taken in the respective area aim to improve legislation for sustainable public procurement provisions. EU4Environment will assist the State Procurement Agency in drafting concrete legal provisions/articles, by-laws, and guidelines on sustainable public procurement (SPP), which will be further reviewed by the Parliament of Georgia.
The Director of the Environmental Information and Education Center Mrs. Tamar Aladashvili and the Deputy Chairman of the State Procurement Agency Mr. Kakha Demetrashvili attended the meeting.
Mr. Pavliashvili briefed the participants on the current state of the green economy and sustainable public procurement in Georgia, he also spoke about the fulfillment of obligations taken within the EU-Georgian Association Agreement.
It should be mentioned, that the Association Agreement with the European Union envisages the adoption of a sustainable public procurement approach, and encourages eco-labeling and eco-innovations.
The representatives of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) positively evaluated the activities carried out in Georgia towards sustainable public procurement, which will consequently contribute to the introduction of the aforementioned approach in the country.
As part of the EU-funded EU4Environment program, the United Nations Environment Program UNEP cooperates with the Environmental Information and Education Centre and the State Procurement Agency to actively introduce and promote sustainable public procurement in Georgia. The measures taken in the respective area aim to improve legislation for sustainable public procurement provisions. EU4Environment will assist the State Procurement Agency in drafting concrete legal provisions/articles, by-laws, and guidelines on sustainable public procurement (SPP), which will be further reviewed by the Parliament of Georgia.
The Director of the Environmental Information and Education Center Mrs. Tamar Aladashvili and the Deputy Chairman of the State Procurement Agency Mr. Kakha Demetrashvili attended the meeting.