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Ministry hosts the training within the campaign ‘’Stop Violence Against Women ‘’

The wide range of issues associated with the violent behavior, including the concept and subjects of violence, risk factors and characteristics, the main types of violence, also legal mechanisms for the protection from violence have been discussed during the training.


The importance of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, known as the Istanbul Convention, also implemented and current reforms in Georgia based on the respective Convention were emphasized during the meeting.

The purpose of the training was to inform the employees of the Ministry about the problem, common causes, main factors and characteristics of domestic violence.

The campaign ''Stop Violence Against Women'' is being held throughout the country from November 25 to December 10, 2022. The campaign reminds us that gender-based violence is against the fundamental principles on which the modern international society is formed, and that the respective problem must be solved by common efforts.