The First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture attended the discussion on the National Policy Concept of Sustainable Pasture Management in Georgia.
The National policy concept of pasture management is based on a complex approach, which embodies the sustainable use of pastures in addition to the development of the livestock sector. Based on the concept, pastures will be classified and general principles for grazing and pasture management will be determined.
" Georgia launches a reform for pasture management in compliance with the sustainable development goals. The National Reform meets local needs and promotes sharing international best practices. I believe that the respective policy is crucial for farmers, especially for cattle breeders", said the First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. George Khanishvili.
The current pasture management approaches, as well as experience from the high mountain regions of European countries (France, Switzerland), will be considered in the elaboration /development of the National Policy Concept on Sustainable Pasture Management in Georgia.
The respective policy document will be fundamental in preparing a relevant legislative package for pasture management.
The pasture management policy will be developed within the project "Achieving land degradation neutrality through restoration and sustainable management of degraded pastures".
The project is implemented under the coordination of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, with the financial support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) and the Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN).