Otar Shamugia : "In recent years, we have implemented transformative reforms in the field of environmental protection"
In the program "Business Partner," the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Otar Shamugia, spoke about the reforms and projects implemented in the field of environmental protection.
"Environmental protection is one of the top priorities for our government. In recent years, we have started very important, transformative reforms. This applies to atmospheric air quality protection, the forestry sector, also the development of protected areas, waste management, etc. Furthermore, we have specific outcomes in each direction. The Ministry has adopted laws and implemented regulations that are fully in line with European requirements,” Mr. Otar Shamugia noted.
The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture spoke about the accomplishments in the field of air quality protection.
"We imposed certain obligations on industrial enterprises, which are one of the important polluters, and we have already yielded results - the enterprises started installing appropriate filters and organizing a self-monitoring system to monitor emissions and provide us with information continuously. There are already 15 such enterprises registered across the country. There are up to 50 businesses in total, and we believe that the vast majority of them will be equipped by next year. This is a huge step forward. I would also like to mention that we have submitted to Parliament a draft law on "Industrial Emissions," which includes commitments made under the Association Agreement. In the future, enterprises will gradually be re-equipped as new technologies and standards are adopted," said Mr. Otar Shamugia.