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Solomon Pavliashvili attends the presentation on the Fact-finding Mission Report in Georgia on Waste and Chemicals Management.

The presentation of the Fact-finding Mission in Georgia on Waste and Chemicals Management was held at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Solomon Pavliashvili attended the presentation.

The respective report was prepared by the researchers of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and invited experts from different countries of the world.
Mr. Pavliashvili expressed his gratitude to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Swedish Embassy in Georgia for their support in the chemicals and waste management and emphasized the importance of the analysis of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agricultural of Georgia’s (MEPA) institutional structure, functions, and technical capacity suggested in the report.


"The report presented today is of the utmost importance. The presented vision enables the enhancement of the waste management policy, its regulation, monitoring, and enforcement in the country. In the mentioned process, special attention is paid to access to efficient local public services. I believe that close collaboration with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency will enable us to achieve the intended result", said Mr. Pavliashvili.

The key objective of this project is to support the increase of the effectiveness and functioning of the existing waste and chemicals management practices in the country and support Georgia in meeting its obligations under the EU Association Agreement and other Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs).

"Sweden is an active supporter of Georgia in its efforts to improve waste and chemicals management. I believe the prepared document will assist the Government in its efforts to improve the waste management policy," stated Mr. Erik Illes, Head of Development Cooperation / Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Sweden
The representatives of the MEPA’s relevant agencies, as well as the Development Cooperation Programme Officer at the Embassy of Sweden, Ms. Khatuna Zaldastanishvili attended the meeting.