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Otar Shamugia met the Special Manager of "Georgian Manganese", Besik Kirtadze.

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr.  Otar Shamugia met with Besik Kirtadze, Special Manager of "Georgian Manganese".
According to Mr. Shamugia, "Georgian Manganese" has specific environmental responsibilities to fulfill. Besides, there are crucial concerns, specifically top-priority issues that must be addressed in fulfilling obligations.


During the meeting, the new Manager, Besik Kirtadze, was instructed to present his vision as a specific two-year action plan, which the Ministry will monitor to solve the existing ecological challenges.


A responsible approach toward environmental protection and ecology is essential for a business that creates economic wealth in the country. Our objective is to gradually improve the present condition by implementing consistent measures. As a result, the company shall prepare a two-year action plan jointly with the Ministry to eliminate the environmental damage caused by the mining process, where measures and specific deadlines will be outlined.

These are problems that have accumulated over dozens of years; clearly, it will not be feasible to fix all of them in a short time; However, the Ministry has a principled position and view that some essential concerns must be fixed on time," stated Mr. Shamugia.


Besik Kirtadze, Special Manager of "Georgian Manganese," stated that work on the action plan has already begun and that technical documents and precise steps would be agreed upon shortly with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.