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The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture hosted the Importers of Refrigerants.

The working meeting was held with the importers of refrigerants at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture. The representatives of the relevant Agencies included in the System of the Ministry presented legislative amendments regarding trade in refrigerants.


The representatives of the Ambient Air Division and Department of Environmental Supervision of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Georgian Association of Refrigeration and Cryogenic Equipment and Air Conditioning Engineers, refrigerant importers, and technicians attended the workshop.

 It should be mentioned that on June 16, the Parliament of Georgia adopted legislative amendments, to improve the management system of ozone-depleting substances and other internationally regulated refrigerants with a high global warming potential.

The legislation imposes new requirements on persons involved in the management of refrigerants, including importers of refrigerants. In particular, the quota and permit system will be established for the import of hydrofluorocarbons, the substances envisaged under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; Also, an electronic system will be created for managing/controlling refrigerants to replace the current system of accounting and reporting. 


Georgia will soon join the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, an international effort to reduce the consumption of substances with a high global warming potential.